silent pc, modding

Silent computer

Silencing power supply unit FSP FX600-GLN

    This construction is the first stage in the way to silent personal computer. We chose this model because of several requirements: safety, stability, capacity sufficient for a up-to-date computer (we planned to take something like Q6600, 2-4 Gb RAM, 8800 GTX(GTS)), construction which allows remodeling into the fanless one. Looking through reviews I came across the product of FSP, a 700 watt model. Such power unit has already been made passive by Mortis, but he used heat pipes in it (Mortis mentioned that there was some problems with overheating). My method is more complicated and takes more time but result is very good and you won’t regret for your efforts. My method may seem too difficult and unhandy but none the less. In general all the moddings which I have watched before were reduced to 2 not sophisticated methods: heat pipes with remote radiators and fastening the radiators of active components (as well as throttles and transformers through the angle bars pasted with hot adhesive) to the main big radiator through isolating thermal spacers. Thus, looking through reviews, I paid my attention to simplicity of series FX***-GLN construction: three small radiators, (it was stated that they achieved this by means of the scheme complication, for example, doubling of high-power diodes at the power unit outlet what in its turn resulted in reduction of their dissipation power). However Mortis reported that all the radiators (except the one with high-power diodes) were under tension and this was a big minus. Nevertheless I bought a 600 watt power unit (in easily accessible firms there were no 700 watt radiators and I decided that a 600 watt model was sufficient). The power unit was tested at first with a low resistive load, then with my present personal computer fed by 360 watt Thermaltake power supply unit. I began to think over the future construction: big shared radiator, heat removers on every coil, perhaps on capacitor, and three radiators for active components. The big radiator will also serve as an upper cover (partially); I chose AB-0093 profile (350x172 mm, AD31 alloy, base – 6 mm, edges – 30 mm parallel to the longer side, breadth between the edges – about 10 mm). Aluminium radiators of active components are replaced by the copper ones, heat removers are also copper. A transformer on the ring appeared to be the highest component, I chose the distance between the card and shared radiator – 56 mm. Disassemble the power unit: unfasten the cover with fan, take out the card, and nip off wires 220 volt (those who wish can unsolder, the solder is refractory). Unscrew the card, take it out.

    Start unsoldering the components (as the transistors are unipolar, ground the soldering iron or switch off the 220 voltage before touch to be on the safe side).    

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Silent computer
Modding technology
    The computer from an old tape recorder

The computer from an old tape recorder
Non-constructive thoughts about modding...

    All began when one day my neighbour, he is Automatic Control Engineer, came and started to beg me to give him one diode. When I asked him why, he typed modding in a search engine. And it had a great effect on me. I was sick about it. Maybe there is nothing accidental in the world and this modding seed fell into good soil. All my life I was interested in design.

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