silent pc, modding

Modding technology

Polishing the base of water block or cooler.

home polishing

  When our make is ready you can begin polishing. Rub it with polish paste and go on! Two or three hours of work and the surface would shine like new. The work is hard, your hands grow weary, I recommend to extend this work to two or three days.

  This method is far from ideal, edges tilt a little...but it is very hard to do it better at home. But it is possible. I used fluid polish paste and modified planetary electrical polisher. This process took 15-20 minutes. And now I rarely trouble - when I give it back on a plant.

   Especially for lazy ones I carried out an experiment; I polished the base of water block in-home machine. I followed technological process, at first I grinded it, then I polished it to full gloss in 7-8 minutes. Here's the result.


  Shine like mirror and how fast! Maybe there's no need for manual work during two or three hours? I put it back on grinding table, grind it for some minutes. The result is predictable, the center part of the base is defected, all work is for nothing...Let's make a fresh start.

Good modding to you all from

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Silent computer
Modding technology
    My computer...

My computer...
Non-constructive thoughts about modding...

    All began when one day my neighbour, he is Automatic Control Engineer, came and started to beg me to give him one diode. When I asked him why, he typed modding in a search engine. And it had a great effect on me. I was sick about it. Maybe there is nothing accidental in the world and this modding seed fell into good soil. All my life I was interested in design.

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