Тема: DIY Ambilight
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И так для управляемого интелектуального ЭМБИЛАЙТ нужно следующее:
1. Arduino Uno
2. Raspberry Pi 3 model B
3. Светодиодная управляемая лента WS2812B ( число диодов на метр на выбор)
4. HDMI сплитер на 2
5. Плата видео захвата на чипе (UTV007 Chipset)
6. HDMI to AV конвертор
7. Micro SD карта ( 10 класс обязательно )
8. 5V – 10A блок питания светодиодной ленты
и всевозможные кабели для соединения (hdmi и тд.)

Для ардуино использовать следующий СКЕТЧ ( Скорректировать, скопировать и загрузить в АРДУИНО)
Корректировка заключается в изменении колличества диодов на всей длинне ленты, яркости и цвета самой ленты при старте!



#include <Wire.h>
//#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#include "Adafruit_NeoPixel.h"


#define STARTCOLOR 0x33cccc // LED color at startup 0xff8000 is orange in hex code. pick your own here: HTML Color Picker
#define BLACK 0x000000 // LED color BLACK

#define DATAPIN 10 // Datapin
#define LEDCOUNT 300 // Number of LEDs used in your system
#define SHOWDELAY 20 // Delay in micro seconds before showing
#define BAUDRATE 500000 // Serial port speed

#define BRIGHTNESS 100 // Max. brightness in %

const char prefix[] = {0x41, 0x64, 0x61, 0x00, 0x12b, 0x17e}; // Prefix at the start of the transmission
char buffer[sizeof(prefix)]; // Temporary buffer for receiving the prefix data

// to calculate your prefix, the first 4 bytes will never change: const char prefix[] = {0x41, 0x64, 0x61, 0x00, this never changes.
// the next byte is equal to the number of LED - 1 --> (232-1)=231. 231 transformed in HEX. 231 in hex is E7 (use google)
// the last byte is equal to the XOR value of the calculated value just above and 0x55 (byte just calculated (E7) XORED with 0x55) = B2 use this link XOR Calculator Online and in input 1 put 55 and in input 2 put your HEX value.

// some precalculated values to save some time: 178 leds gives B1 and E4, 180 B3E6, 181 B4E1, 182 B5E0 232 E7B2 230 E5B0

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(LEDCOUNT, DATAPIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
//LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x20,16,2); // set the LCD address to 0x20 for a 16 chars and 2 line display

int state; // Define current state
#define STATE_WAITING 1 // - Waiting for prefix
#define STATE_DO_PREFIX 2 // - Processing prefix
#define STATE_DO_DATA 3 // - Handling incoming LED colors

int readSerial; // Read Serial data (1)
int currentLED; // Needed for assigning the color to the right LED
const int led_button = 11; // ON/OFF button input
const int status_led = 8; // LED of button
const int ch_2 = A0; // Inputs from HDMI switcher
const int ch_3 = A1;
const int ch_4 = A2;
const int ch_5 = A3;

int curr_source = 0; // Used to store which source is currently displayed
boolean strip_status = true; // Used to chose if the LED strip is ON or OFF (depending on button choice)
unsigned long timeout = 0; // Timeout used to turn LED strip off if no new data has come thorugh after some time

void setup()
pinMode(led_button, INPUT);
pinMode(ch_2, INPUT);
pinMode(ch_3, INPUT);
pinMode(ch_4, INPUT);
pinMode(ch_5, INPUT);
pinMode(status_led, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(led_button, HIGH);
digitalWrite(status_led, HIGH);

delay (15000); // 15 seconds delay at startup to avoid strange behaviours as the PI boots up etc
strip.begin(); // Init LED strand, set all black, then all to startcolor

strip.setBrightness( (255 / 100) * 25 );

setAllLEDs(BLACK, 0);
setAllLEDs(STARTCOLOR, 10); // Will turn ON all LEDS with a 5ms delay between each turn ON creating a snake increasing pattern

Serial.begin(BAUDRATE); // Init serial speed

state = STATE_WAITING; // Initial state: Waiting for prefix

//lcd.init(); // Initialize the lcd
//lcd.backlight(); // Turn ON LCD backlight
//lcd.print(" waiting for PI"); // Wait for PI to boot up for 5 sec (avoids the Arduino rebooting randomly)
//lcd.print("**** SOURCE ****");
strip.setBrightness( (255 / 100) * BRIGHTNESS ); // Set the brightness we chose above

void loop()
do_strip(); // Main part of the code where we look at the data incoming from the PI
if (state == STATE_WAITING) // Only if we are in WAITING state we check the source inputs and our ON/OFF button.

void do_strip(void)
if (strip_status == true)
case STATE_WAITING: // *** Waiting for prefix ***
if( Serial.available()>0 )
readSerial = Serial.read(); // Read one character

if ( readSerial == prefix[0] ) // if this character is 1st prefix char
{ state = STATE_DO_PREFIX; } // then set state to handle prefix

case STATE_DO_PREFIX: // *** Processing Prefix ***
timeout = millis();
if( Serial.available() > sizeof(prefix) - 2 )
Serial.readBytes(buffer, sizeof(prefix) - 1);

for( int Counter = 0; Counter < sizeof(prefix) - 1; Counter++)
if( buffer[Counter] == prefix[Counter+1] )
state = STATE_DO_DATA; // Received character is in prefix, continue
currentLED = 0; // Set current LED to the first one
state = STATE_WAITING; // Crap, one of the received chars is NOT in the prefix
break; // Exit, to go back to waiting for the prefix
} // end if buffer
} // end for Counter
} // end if Serial

case STATE_DO_DATA: // *** Process incoming color data ***
if( Serial.available() > 2 ) // if we receive more than 2 chars
Serial.readBytes( buffer, 3 ); // Abuse buffer to temp store 3 charaters
strip.setPixelColor( currentLED++, buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2]); // and assing to LEDs

if( currentLED > LEDCOUNT ) // Reached the last LED? Display it!
strip.show(); // Make colors visible
delayMicroseconds(SHOWDELAY); // Wait a few micro seconds

state = STATE_WAITING; // Reset to waiting ...
currentLED = 0; // and go to LED one

break; // and exit ... and do it all over again
} // switch(state)
} // if statement
{setAllLEDs(BLACK, 0);}

if(millis() > timeout + 5000) // If no new incoming data after 5seconds, turn the strip OFF.
{setAllLEDs(BLACK, 0);}
} // do_strip

void check_source (void)
if(digitalRead(ch_2) == HIGH)
if(curr_source != 2)
curr_source = 2;
//lcd.print(" PS_4 "); // Channel 2 of HDMI switcher LCD name
else if(digitalRead(ch_3) == HIGH)
if(curr_source != 3)
curr_source = 3;
//lcd.print(" NOT USED"); // Channel 3 of HDMI switcher LCD name
else if(digitalRead(ch_4) == HIGH)
if(curr_source != 4)
curr_source = 4;
//lcd.print(" CD/DVD "); // Channel 4 of HDMI switcher LCD name
else if(digitalRead(ch_5) == HIGH)
if(curr_source != 5)
curr_source = 5;
//lcd.print(" COMPUTER"); // Channel 5 of HDMI switcher LCD name

if(curr_source != 1)
curr_source = 1;
//lcd.print(" AV INPUT"); // Channel 1 of HDMI switcher LCD name

void check_button (void) // ON/OFF button routine
if(digitalRead(led_button) == LOW)
if(strip_status == true)
strip_status = false;
digitalWrite(status_led, LOW);
strip_status = true;
digitalWrite(status_led, HIGH);
while(digitalRead(led_button) == LOW)

// Sets the color of all LEDs in the strip
// If 'wait'>0 then it will show a swipe from start to end
void setAllLEDs(uint32_t color, int wait)
for ( int Counter=0; Counter < LEDCOUNT; Counter++ ) // For each LED
strip.setPixelColor( Counter, color ); // .. set the color

if( wait > 0 ) // if a wait time was set then
strip.show(); // Show the LED color
delay(wait); // and wait before we do the next LED
} // if wait

} // for Counter

strip.show(); // Show all LEDs
} // setAllLEDs
Проектор PANASONIC PT-AE900E (3LCD 1100 lum)
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