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Старый 12.10.2019, 01:37   #1 (permalink)
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По умолчанию Attiny13a и ИК пульт

Подскажите, как сделать чтобы при нажатии на кнопку пульта подавался высокий сигнал на какую-нибудь ножку.
Имеется сигнал с кнопки, снятый через RCExplorer:
addr=0xFF00 cmd=0x67
Что нужно к примеру изменить чтобы вставить свой код кнопки?

 * Copyright (c) 2016, Łukasz Marcin Podkalicki 
 * ATtiny13/011
 * Control LEDs with IR remote control. Example of monblocking 
 * IR signal reader (38kHz, TSOPxxx) and NEC protocol decoder.
 * MCU Settings:
 *  FUSE_L=0x7A
 *  FUSE_H=0xFF
 *  F_CPU=9600000

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

#define    LED1_PIN               PB0
#define    LED2_PIN               PB2
#define    LED3_PIN               PB3
#define    LED4_PIN               PB4

#define    IR_IN_PIN              PB1
#define    IR_IN_PORT             PORTB
#define    IR_OCR0A               (122)

#define    LOW                    (0)
#define    HIGH                   (1)

#define    IR_SUCCESS             (0)
#define    IR_ERROR               (1)

#define    IR_EVENT_IDLE          (0)
#define    IR_EVENT_INIT          (1)
#define    IR_EVENT_FINI          (2)
#define    IR_EVENT_PROC          (3)

#define    IR_PROTO_EVENT_INIT    (0)
#define    IR_PROTO_EVENT_DATA    (1)
#define    IR_PROTO_EVENT_FINI    (2)
#define    IR_PROTO_EVENT_HOOK    (3)

volatile uint16_t IR_timeout = 0;
volatile uint16_t IR_counter = 0;
volatile uint32_t IR_rawdata = 0;

uint8_t IR_event = 0;
uint8_t IR_proto_event = 0;
uint8_t IR_index = 0;
uint32_t IR_data = 0;

static void
    DDRB &= ~_BV(IR_IN_PIN); // set IR IN pin as INPUT
    PORTB &= ~_BV(IR_IN_PIN); // set LOW level to IR IN pin
    TCCR0A |= _BV(WGM01); // set timer counter mode to CTC
    TCCR0B |= _BV(CS00); // set prescaler to 1
    TIMSK0 |= _BV(OCIE0A); // enable Timer COMPA interrupt
    OCR0A = IR_OCR0A; // set OCR0n to get ~38.222kHz timer frequency
    GIMSK |= _BV(INT0); // enable INT0 interrupt handler
    MCUCR &= ~_BV(ISC01); // trigger INTO interrupt on raising
    MCUCR |= _BV(ISC00); // and falling edge
    sei(); // enable global interrupts

static int8_t
IR_NEC_process(uint16_t counter, uint8_t value)
    int8_t retval = IR_ERROR;

    switch(IR_proto_event) {
        /* expecting a space */
        if (value == HIGH) {
            if (counter > 330 && counter < 360) {
                /* a 4.5ms space for regular transmition of NEC Code; 
                 counter => 0.0045/(1.0/38222.0) * 2 = 344 (+/- 15) */
                IR_proto_event = IR_PROTO_EVENT_DATA;
                IR_data = IR_index = 0;
                retval = IR_SUCCESS;
            } else if (counter > 155 && counter < 185) {
                /* a 2.25ms space for NEC Code repeat;
                 counter => 0.00225/(1.0/38222.0) * 2 = 172 (+/- 15) */
                IR_proto_event = IR_PROTO_EVENT_FINI;
                retval = IR_SUCCESS;
        /* Reading 4 octets (32bits) of data:
         1) the 8-bit address for the receiving device
         2) the 8-bit logical inverse of the address
         3) the 8-bit command
         4) the 8-bit logical inverse of the command
        Logical '0' – a 562.5µs pulse burst followed by a 562.5µs 
         (<90 IR counter cycles) space, with a total transmit time of 1.125ms
        Logical '1' – a 562.5µs pulse burst followed by a 1.6875ms
         (>=90 IR counter cycles) space, with a total transmit time of 2.25ms */
        if (IR_index < 32) {
            if (value == HIGH) {
                IR_data |= ((uint32_t)((counter < 90) ? 0 : 1) << IR_index++);
                        if (IR_index == 32) {
                    IR_proto_event = IR_PROTO_EVENT_HOOK;
            retval = IR_SUCCESS;
        /* expecting a final 562.5µs pulse burst to
         signify the end of message transmission */
        if (value == LOW) {
            IR_proto_event = IR_PROTO_EVENT_FINI;
            retval = IR_SUCCESS;
        /* copying data to volatile variable; raw data is ready */
        IR_rawdata = IR_data;

    return retval;

static void
    uint8_t value;
    uint16_t counter;

    /* load IR counter value to local variable, then reset counter */
    counter = IR_counter;
    IR_counter = 0;

    /* read IR_IN_PIN digital value 
     (NOTE: logical inverse value = value ^ 1 due to sensor used) */
    value = (PINB & (1 << IR_IN_PIN)) > 0 ? LOW : HIGH;

    switch(IR_event) {
    case IR_EVENT_IDLE:
        /* awaiting for an initial signal */
        if (value == HIGH) {
            IR_event = IR_EVENT_INIT;
    case IR_EVENT_INIT:
        /* consume leading pulse burst */
        if (value == LOW) {
            if (counter > 655 && counter < 815) {
                /* a 9ms leading pulse burst, NEC Infrared Transmission Protocol detected,
                counter = 0.009/(1.0/38222.) * 2 = 343.998 * 2 = 686 (+/- 30) */
                IR_event = IR_EVENT_PROC;
                IR_proto_event = IR_PROTO_EVENT_INIT;
                IR_timeout = 7400;
            } else {
                IR_event = IR_EVENT_FINI;
        } else {
            IR_event = IR_EVENT_FINI;
    case IR_EVENT_PROC:
        /* read and decode NEC Protocol data */
        if (IR_NEC_process(counter, value))
            IR_event = IR_EVENT_FINI;
    case IR_EVENT_FINI:
        /* clear timeout and set idle mode */
        IR_event = IR_EVENT_IDLE;
        IR_timeout = 0;


static int8_t
IR_read(uint8_t *address, uint8_t *command)
    if (!IR_rawdata)
        return IR_ERROR;

    *address = IR_rawdata;
    *command = IR_rawdata >> 16;
    IR_rawdata = 0;

    return IR_SUCCESS;



    /* When transmitting or receiving remote control codes using
     the NEC IR transmission protocol, the communications performs
     optimally when the carrier frequency (used for modulation/demodulation)
     is set to 38.222kHz. */
    if (IR_counter++ > 10000)
        IR_event = IR_EVENT_IDLE;
    if (IR_timeout && --IR_timeout == 0)
        IR_event = IR_EVENT_IDLE;

    uint8_t addr, cmd;

    /* setup */

    /* loop */
    while (1) {
        if (IR_read(&addr, &cmd) == IR_SUCCESS) {
            if (addr != 0x01)
            switch(cmd) {
            case 0x01:
                /* turn all LEDs off */
                PORTB &= ~(_BV(LED1_PIN)|_BV(LED2_PIN)|_BV(LED3_PIN)|_BV(LED4_PIN)); 
            case 0x00:
                PORTB ^= _BV(LED1_PIN); // toggle LED1
            case 0x07:
                PORTB ^= _BV(LED2_PIN); // toggle LED2
            case 0x06:
                PORTB ^= _BV(LED3_PIN); // toggle LED3
            case 0x04:
                PORTB ^= _BV(LED4_PIN); // toggle LED4
или тут
 * IR Receiver.cpp
 * Created: 12/1/2017 11:10:41 AM
 * Author : Dz Inventors

#define F_CPU 9600000 // Must stay at this speed

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

#define IR_Input_Pin PORTB1

bool IR_Code(uint32_t data); // Check the IR Code
void IR_Scan(); // Scan IR data
void IR_Setup(); // Setup mode

uint32_t IR_data_out = 0; // IR data store

int main(void) {

		DDRB |= 1 << PORTB4;
		DDRB &= ~(1 << IR_Input_Pin);
		PORTB = 0x00;

		while (1) {

				if (IR_Code(0x00FFA857)) { // Put the code you want to check it in the IR_Code function
						PORTB |= 1 << PORTB4; // Do some actions
				if (IR_Code(0x00FF6897)) {
						PORTB &= ~(1 << PORTB4);
				if (IR_Code(0x10EFF906)) {
						PORTB |= 1 << PORTB4;
				if (IR_Code(0x10EFE916)) {
						PORTB &= ~(1 << PORTB4);
void IR_Setup() {
		GIMSK |= 1 << INT0; // Enable the interrupt pin ( at PB1)
		MCUCR = (1 << ISC00); // Set interrupt configuration in PB1 (see page 46 for any change mode)
		TCCR0B |= 1 << CS00 | 1 << CS02; //set timer 0 with max scaler (F_CPU/1024)
bool IR_Code(uint32_t data) {
		// Prettified IR data output code
		uint8_t IR_data_byte[4];
		IR_data_byte[0] = (IR_data_out >> 24);
		IR_data_byte[1] = (IR_data_out >> 16);
		IR_data_byte[2] = (IR_data_out >> 8);
		IR_data_byte[3] = (IR_data_out);
		// Prettified IR data input code
		uint8_t data_byte[4];
		data_byte[0] = (data >> 24);
		data_byte[1] = (data >> 16);
		data_byte[2] = (data >> 8);
		data_byte[3] = (data);
		if (IR_data_byte[0] == data_byte[0] || IR_data_byte[1] == data_byte[1]) { // If address data is =
				if (IR_data_byte[2] == data_byte[2] || IR_data_byte[3] == data_byte[3]) { // If command data is =
						IR_data_out = 0; // Clear IR data Output
						return true;
		return false;
ISR(INT0_vect) {

uint8_t time_high = 0;
uint8_t time_low = 0;

bool interrupter1 = false;
bool interrupter2 = false;
bool one_time = false;

int conter = -1;

uint8_t TCNT0_buffer = 0;
uint8_t time_span = 0;

void IR_Scan() {
		// Timer unit = 106.666 µs
		if (TCNT0 >= TCNT0_buffer) // If timer doesn't overflow
				time_span = TCNT0 - TCNT0_buffer; // Get span time
		else //if timer overflow
				time_span = (256 - TCNT0_buffer) + TCNT0; // Get span time
		if (time_span <= 2) // Delete any noise < or = then 213 µs
				return void();

		if ((PINB & (1 << IR_Input_Pin)) == 0)
				time_high = time_span; // Get the time low
				time_low = time_span; // Get the time high

		if ((time_low >= 78) && (time_low <= 91)) // Low for 9ms
				interrupter1 = true; // Enable the first interrupter

		if ((time_high >= 36 && time_high <= 49) && (interrupter1 == true)) { // High time 4.5ms
				IR_data_out = 0; // Clear data
				conter = -1; // Restart counter variable
				interrupter2 = true; // Enable the second interrupter (start condition is true)
		if (conter == 32) { // Check if data send is over
				interrupter1 = interrupter2 = false; // Restart interrupters
				conter = -1; // Restart conter variable

		if (interrupter2 == true) { // See if start condition is true

				if (one_time == true) { // Enter one time in two loops
						if (conter != -1) { // Over enter in the first time
								if (time_high > time_low * 2) // Means we read logic 1
										IR_data_out |= 0x80000000 >> conter; // Put the logic 1 in high significant bit and shift it to the right every loop
						// else
						// IR_data_out=0; // Clear data
						conter++; // Up counter
				one_time = !one_time; // Reverse state
		TCNT0_buffer = TCNT0; // Scan timer
Или может еще где что есть.

Во втором примере как-то странно реагирует на любую кнопку: подставлял IR_Code(0xFF0067) и первое нажатие подает 2.4 вольта, второе нажатие подается 5 вольт, третье нажатие на любую кнопку выключает питание с ножки, и так далее по кругу.
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Старый 12.10.2019, 01:37
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Прочтение аналогичных тем очень эффективно в решении проблемы

ATtiny13A: не мигает светодиод после отключения прогамматора
Пульт ДУ для ПК
Пульт от ТВ



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