silent pc, modding

Silent computer

Remodel standard power supply unit into a fanless one.

    Now let’s proceed to the throttles: as observations on the experimental power unit sample show (the same power unit that we used for ghetto-variant testing), these are the only components not equipped with radiators which heat up considerably. More precisely, we are interested only in the two biggest throttles: those which are located between the outgoing wire bunch and the bigger radiator. The first idea is to glue a small heatsink to each throttle, but having thought a bit we found a simpler solution. Since the edge of the radiator-extension hangs over the pair of throttles under consideration, it’s sensible to use the extension as a heat-dissipating element. We need only to transfer the heat to it by some way. Well, it’s not a difficult task: take an aluminium angle bar mentioned in the list of required components and cut out a pair of such details:


    In ghetto-variant you may bind a similar detail out of any piece of aluminium. It operates in such a way:

    Put the idea into life: fasten the radiator-extension to the proper place to serve as a guide, spread a thick layer of “Radial” adhesive on the throttle side and glue the angle bar to it. The clip on top is necessary to level the angle bar by the lower surface of radiator.

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Silent computer
Modding technology
    IN WIN case completion

IN WIN case completion
Non-constructive thoughts about modding...

    All began when one day my neighbour, he is Automatic Control Engineer, came and started to beg me to give him one diode. When I asked him why, he typed modding in a search engine. And it had a great effect on me. I was sick about it. Maybe there is nothing accidental in the world and this modding seed fell into good soil. All my life I was interested in design.

Modding services

How to calculate resistor for LEDs