silent pc, modding

Silent computer

Remodel standard power supply unit into a fanless one.

    Let’s proceed to work. I’ll try to describe the work activity in two variants: ghetto (fast and simple, but the quality isn’t high) and hi-tech (high quality, but it takes much time). Difference in temperatures between these two variants is 5-8 degrees, difference in time needed for production is twofold. It’s up to you to decide what is prior for you.

    At first open the power unit and remove fan, then cut its grating out:

open the power unit and remove fan

    Next object of our attention is the card of the fan controller:

the fan controller

    If we have taken fan out, so we don’t need the controller too. Thus, trace its wires (yellow, red and black) and nip them carefully off at the base:

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Silent computer
Modding technology
    The beautiful window style

The beautiful window style
Non-constructive thoughts about modding...

    All began when one day my neighbour, he is Automatic Control Engineer, came and started to beg me to give him one diode. When I asked him why, he typed modding in a search engine. And it had a great effect on me. I was sick about it. Maybe there is nothing accidental in the world and this modding seed fell into good soil. All my life I was interested in design.

Modding services

How to calculate resistor for LEDs